Diamond Women’s Center, in Edina, MN, provides comprehensive prenatal care, delivery and postpartum care.
Prenatal care begins in the early first trimester. Prenatal visits allow us to closely monitor the health of you and your baby. Whether your pregnancy is relatively straight forward or high risk, we are able to manage your pregnancy.
During your initial prenatal visit, you will be initially seen by a Nurse Practitioner who will gather all your health history, perform a physical examination and educate you about your pregnancy. Our nurse practitioners have over 16 years of experience and are licensed Women’s Health Care Practitioners. They work collaboratively with the physician throughout your pregnancy.
We provide screening tests in the first and second trimesters. These tests are both non-invasive (blood tests and ultrasounds) and invasive tests ( Amniocentesis). Chorionic Villus Sampling is also an option but not done by us. We would send a patient to Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist that are trained to perform this procedure. We will review your options with you and you can decide if you want to move forward and have these tests done or not.
Our number one goal is always a safe outcome for you and your baby.
We also strive to provide the best possible experience for you. If you have a birth plan, we will review it with you. There are times when a birth plan needs to be altered or deviated from given certain clinical circumstances that can occur during your labor and delivery. We are all on the same team and our goal is always to provide care in your best interest.
As no two pregnancies are alike, we individualize your prenatal care as needed. We can initiate monitoring of the baby through non-stress tests (monitoring the baby’s heart beat) and/or additional ultrasounds (monitor growth of baby, measure amniotic fluid level and/or verify the position of baby) as needed.
We have an ultrasonagrapher and our ultrasound machine has 3D/4D capability.
Communication with you is of the upmost importance. Whether it is a certain blood test result or ultrasound done during your pregnancy or any interventions during your labor and delivery, we will explain to you the rationale and/or results as such.
As the onset of labor is often unpredictable, we cannot guarantee who will deliver your baby. Our practice works together as a team. At times we can plan your delivery if you are being induced or have a planned/scheduled C-section. At the present time we have 6 physicians so someone from our practice is always available to care for you.
Our patients deliver at the Mother Baby Center (Minneapolis, MN) and Fairview Southdale Hospital (Edina, MN). We offer water births to our patients if they meet the hospital criteria.
Approximately 6 weeks after your delivery, you will have a postpartum visit with one of our providers. We will discuss with you your birth experience, your recovery to date, birth control options, sexual activity, and emotional concerns.